First Response
Office parks, gated communities and other commercial clusters are concentrated areas which are prone to multiple risks, such as break-ins, fires, and medical emergencies. In conjunction with our guarding solution, iMvula First Response provides highly visible vehicle units which can be stationed inside your precinct and can be deployed with an armed reaction officer with firefighting and first-aid training, and an optional dedicated paramedic on board, to allow our unit to respond to an incident faster than any other emergency services.

Strike Force
Labour unrest and strike action are ever-present realities in South Africa, but your business need not be interrupted by these often-uncontrollable events. iMvula’s Strike Force comprises a team of trained officers who are experienced at managing strikes and providing protection for your people and premises in the event of strike action. Our teams are armed with all the necessary equipment to quell unrest and mitigate damage to your property.
Intelligence networks allow us to monitor and anticipate strike action to ensure preparedness.
Can be deployed on short notice to ensure that the situation is brought under control timeously.
We take footage of strike action for use as actionable evidence in disciplinary and court proceedings.